USB-C Maximalist
iPhoneがボトルネックになりがちだけど、MagSafeバッテリー経由で常にiPhoneを充電するようにすることで解決 結構快適
ただそれ以上に、ケーブルが一種類で良いという複雑性の低さが良い どのケーブル刺しても良い、というシンプルさ
As you might have noticed, a key ingredient in making this work is to be a USBC maximalist. You should strive to ensure that every single thing you buy is USBC-friendly. Your laptop, your phone, your toothbrush, everything. This ensures that you don't need to carry any extra equipment beyond one charger and 1-2 charging cables. In the last ~3 years, it has become much easier to live the USBC maximalist life; enjoy it!